By Russ Koppendrayer
April migration was fairly typical with a trickle of new species for most of the month and then a rush of new finds in the last week as migration started to reach its peak. Birds will continue to pour through the area for the next few weeks before tailing off again. No big rarities were found, just a few Code 4s, which means they have occurred in Cowlitz at least five times but are not seen annually. A Northern Goshawk seen at Canal Road was the most unusual of this group as we go numerous years between records of this species.
In early April I was made aware of an incredible bird found in Cowlitz County during February. An injured Laysan Albatross found at Willow Grove was captured and sent to PAWS (Progressive Animal Welfare Society) in Lynnwood, Washington to be rehabbed. Not only is this family of birds typically found over the open ocean, but this particular species is found in very low numbers off the Washington coast. The rehab was successful and with an assist from the Coast Guard the bird was released a few miles out into the Pacific Ocean.
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