By Russ Koppendrayer
Spring migration continued with lots of birds passing through Cowlitz County during May and ever more birders seeming to enjoy seeing them. Besides the species that we expect annually a few of the rarer variety were seen. The county's second ever record of American Redstart was reported from the Hummocks Trail. The third record of Brandt's Cormorant was at the mouth of the Kalama River. It seems something is going on with this cormorant species as all three records have occurred in the last year and a half. Also unusual was a small group of Common Terns flying downstream along the Columbia River near Kalama for their fourth record in Cowlitz County.
For a number of us the most exciting find of the month was a Rock Wren singing on territory at an old rock quarry near Davis Peak. While there have been a number of sightings in the blow down area near Mount Saint Helens, most of those are older records. Not only has it been seven years since one was last reported, but this is the first to linger for an extended period, to the best of our knowledge. Although unconfirmed, a couple of observers thought they heard a more distant second individual. Could there be a possible breeding attempt?
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