By Russ Koppendrayer
We're off to another fine beginning to our avian year here in Cowlitz County. Included in this month's reports was a flock of six Barn Swallows in the Longview industrial area. Although it seems incredible to me to have swallows in our region in mid-winter, it is becoming more frequent for these to appear at random western Washington locations during this season.
We also had a couple duck species found that are rare here in any season. A Long-tailed Duck found in the Columbia River in the Woodland Bottoms was the third ever record for the county. Photographed at the time it has been elusive and not refound since then. Also in the Woodland Bottoms and also a third county record was an adult male Tufted Duck. This bird has been seen on a few different occasions, but can be difficult to locate as it is frequently embedded in the massive rafts of Greater Scaup in the Columbia there. Not only is it similar in appearance, but the rafts like to position themselves where it can be tough to scope them due to river access limits.
Here's to a great 2025 of birding!
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