Is it possible we can see evidence of the harbingers of spring in January? On Tuesday, January 12, WHAS member and amphibian lover, Ann Kastberg will share information and photos of our most common species of these endearing creatures. Learn about local frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders with a focus on pond-breeding species and their egg mass identification. You will also hear about a citizen science project that builds on other Columbia River region surveys to extend surveying into the Cowlitz County area to help monitor the breeding locations of these species. Ann has supervised amphibian egg mass surveys at the Nelson Creek restoration site in Wahkiakum County. She has training and field experience with the successful Clark County Community-Based Amphibian Monitoring Program as well as with amphibian surveys for Natural Areas through DNR. The program will begin at 7:00 PM at Lower Columbia College, Longview in Physical Science (PSC) Room 102. A LCC campus map can be found here.
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Learn about local frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders
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