Photo: Divoky returns to Longview Friday, May 7 at 7:00 PM to give a program on climate change at the Lower Columbia College Rose Center Wollenberg Auditorium in Longview.

World-renowned scientist, George Divoky, has spent the last 34 years above the arctic circle on Cooper Island, studying the behavior and arctic world of the Black Guillemot, a small seabird.  Divoky has witnessed the habitat change dramatically over 3 decades of research.  Visit his fascinating web site:

From the web site:

“What seems like a long, long time ago, black guillemots on Cooper Island had the best of all possible worlds. The summer snow-free period was increasing annually, providing breeding birds with more time to raise their young, and the Arctic pack ice was close enough offshore that there was a readily accessible supply of Arctic cod to feed the nestlings. The only real dark cloud on the horizon was the realization, slow in coming over the past three decades, that the warming planet that had given the guillemots their "salad days" in the 1970s and 1980s could cause increasing melt of the pack ice, making Arctic cod less accessible and causing problems for parent guillemots provisioning their young in August and early September.”

Lower Columbia College Biological Society joins WHAS to bring this world-renowned scientist to share with us reports of his observations and stories of his adventures.  George Divoky is a sincere and captivating speaker.  His program will be one you won’t want to miss.