Come celebrate with us. The annual WHAS member dinner and meeting will be held on Saturday, March 30th at 6PM at the Longview Woman's Club. The address is 835 21st Ave in Longview, on the Kessler side of the lake. This year will be a potluck. WHAS will supply meat and vegetarian pizza, coffee, tea and water. Members can bring something they might like to share: salad, dessert, casserole, bread, appetizer, or something else. We will need to know how many are coming, and your choice of pizza.

Please call either Gloria at (360) 636-3793 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.her or call Carol at (360)849-4324 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.her. We need to have a head count by the 27th of March. If possible when you call, please let us know what you are planning on bringing.  Also PLEASE bring your own tableware for all in your party. Let's make this a festive event!

Marsh Wren's NestAt 7:00 pm, key note speaker, Master Birder and outdoor photographer, Idie Ulsh will present "Feathered Architects - The Fascinating World of Bird Nests".

The program will explore how and where birds make nests and will examine interesting aspects of their construction.

Idie Ulsh, Master Birder and former president of Seattle Audubon, has been a birder for 40 years, with an expertise in birdsong. Her interest expanded from birds to other flying creatures, including butterflies and dragonflies, and she was co-editor of photographs for The Butterflies of Cascadia.

The program at 7pm is free and open to the public.