Tufted Duck/ Greater Scaup - Lyn Topinka
Tufted Duck/Greater Scaups - Lyn Topinka

Migrants continued to trickle in during March and we also found a few year around residents that had been missed in the first couple months of 2018. There was one bird that didn't fit either of these categories however. That was the female Tufted Duck found in the Columbia River at Woodland in a Greater Scaup flock on 3/24 and was still being seen daily as of this writing on 3/31. Most Tufted Ducks winter in Asia with western Washington seeing two or three in a typical winter.

For some reason this is the first one seen in Washington in 2018 and created quite a stir with all the state big year listers coming to find this bird to add to their year list of birds. Add that to the newly avid birders for whom this was a life time first as well as other local birders and there has been quite a few folks who have seen this individual.

Tufted Duck - Digiscoped - Lyn Topeka
Tufted Duck - Digiscoped - Lyn Topeka

This is the third record for this species in Cowlitz County and the first female, although all three have been in the Columbia River at Woodland. In 2013 there was a first winter male that was present for about three weeks and in 2015 an adult male was seen for only a few days.  

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