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Update: Date changed to Thursday, Feb 10th
WHAS will have the pleasure of welcoming Longview's own Dr. Jim Hulbert on Thursday February 10 at 7:00 pm at the Cowlitz PUD Auditorium.
Dr. Hulbert has been a 35 year volunteer working with Ducks Unlimited to preserve habitat throughout North America, serving recently as the national President of DU. He'll be talking on "Wetland Conservation" from his unique perspective.
This free event is sponsored by the Willapa Hills Audubon Society and open to the public.
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Kit McGurn from Conservation Northwest will be doing a presentation entitled "Columbia Highlands: Washington's Last Wilderness Frontier" on Wednesday, January 26th at 7:00 pm at the Cowlitz PUD Auditorium Longview.
The Northeastern Washington area serves as a habitat bridge between the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains. It contains a healthy population of wildlife and pristine forests. Grizzly and black bears, wolves, caribou, lynx, moose, deer and elk still thrive here. Kit will be talking about this unique area and efforts to preserve it as a wilderness.
This free event is sponsored by the Willapa Hills Audubon Society and open to the public.
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On Friday night, November 19 Sharnelle Fee, Executive Director of the Wildlife Center of the North Coast, a bird and animal rehabilitation center in Astoria, will be joining us at 7:00 pm at Lower Columbia College in the Student Center cafeteria. She'll be discussing her efforts at wildlife rehabilitation and will be bringing several live birds including a brown pelican, spotted owl and some sea birds depending on availability.
This event is a free Willapa Hills Audubon program.
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On Saturday November 6 at 2:00 pm at the Longview Library we will show the first movie in our Birds of Hollywood series, Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", in the Halloween spirit. And we will have popcorn and drinks.
This free event is sponsored by Willapa Hills Audubon Society.
On Saturday November 6 at 2:00 pm at the Longview Library we will show our first movie in our Birds of Hollywood series, Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", in the Halloween spirit. And we will have popcorn and drinks.
On Saturday November 6 at 2:00 pm at the Longview Library we will show our first movie in our Birds of Hollywood series, Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", in the Halloween spirit. And we will have popcorn and drinks.
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This year our annual picnic will be hosted by Mary Steller, a long-time WHAS member, at her house, in Rosburg, Washington on July, 31. She has graciously offered to host us this year.
Mary’s place will be a wonderful place for a picnic, as it has beautiful walks for birders, river views, a treehouse, dogs, and donkeys. Come spend what will be a delightful afternoon, from 1:00 to 4:00. Please bring a dish to share with 6—8 people, and eating ware and chairs for all in your party. Mary will provide ice tea and water. Please also bring Frisbees, balls, etc., for outside play.
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Our May program featured Arctic Scientist George Divoky with his story of climate change above the Arctic Circle on tiny Cooper Island. His fascinating work studying the behavior and world of a small seabird, the black guillemot, has continued for 34 summers. He is recording striking changes in the environment including the influx of hungry polar bears and the reduced hatching and fledging success of the guillemots. Follow George’s work this summer by going to his blog by going to this link:
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George Divoky returns to Longview Friday, May 7 at 7:00 PM to give a program on climate change at the Lower Columbia College Rose Center Wollenberg Auditorium in Longview.
World-renowned scientist, George Divoky, has spent the last 34 years above the arctic circle on Cooper Island, studying the behavior and arctic world of the Black Guillemot, a small seabird. Divoky has witnessed the habitat change dramatically over 3 decades of research. Visit his fascinating web site:
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Is it possible we can see evidence of the harbingers of spring in January? On Tuesday, January 12, WHAS member and amphibian lover, Ann Kastberg will share information and photos of our most common species of these endearing creatures. Learn about local frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders with a focus on pond-breeding species and their egg mass identification. You will also hear about a citizen science project that builds on other Columbia River region surveys to extend surveying into the Cowlitz County area to help monitor the breeding locations of these species. Ann has supervised amphibian egg mass surveys at the Nelson Creek restoration site in Wahkiakum County. She has training and field experience with the successful Clark County Community-Based Amphibian Monitoring Program as well as with amphibian surveys for Natural Areas through DNR. The program will begin at 7:00 PM at Lower Columbia College, Longview in Physical Science (PSC) Room 102. A LCC campus map can be found here.
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Willapa Hills Audubon Society and the LCC Biological Society invite you to another free Halloween adventure into the fascinating world of insects. LCC Biology instructors Louis LaPierre and Carl Roush will show slides and discuss wasps on Friday, October 30, at 7:00 PM in the LCC Wollenberg Auditorium in the Rose Center for the Arts.
You are also invited to indulge in a more up-close and personal investigation at one of two wasp identification labs, which will be held that afternoon from 4 to 5 PM and from 5 to 6 PM. Space is limited for the identification lab, so please reserve your spot by calling or